3.2 Solutions

Reload the Muslim prejudice data:

# create new outcome variable
table <- mutate(
  table, # call the dataset
  outcome = # new variable called 'outcome'
      is.na(srw_therm_1_h_1) ~ # for those rows where srw_therm_1_h_1 is missing
        srw_therm_2_h_1, # new variable will take value of srw_therm_2_h_1
      is.na(srw_therm_2_h_1) ~ # for those rows where srw_therm_2_h_1 is missing
        srw_therm_1_h_1 # new variable will take value of srw_therm_1_h_1

3.2.1 Exercise 1

In the Muslim prejudice study, the researchers explain:

Regarding Muslim Americans, media and political actors often promote misperceptions, particularly about Muslims and terrorism… As a result, I evaluated the treatment’s robustness to an environment in which fear of terrorism was present by randomly assigning half of the respondents to a question priming terrorism threats.

This means that this terrorism priming is another treatment variable whose average effect we can estimate through a difference in means. Turn the variable terrorism into a factor variable whose value is “no priming” if it is currently 0 and “primed” if it is currently 1.

We can do this using the factor() function from week 2. It is also possible using mutate() and case_when().

# just using factor()
table$terrorism <- factor(table$terrorism, # specify the variable to make categorical
                          labels = c("no priming", # label corresponding to 0
                                    "primed"), # label corresponding to 1
                          levels = c(0, 1)) # previous levels of variable

# or using mutate() and case_when()
# table <- mutate(table,
#                terrorism = factor(case_when(
#                  terrorism == 0 ~ "no priming",
#                  terrorism == 1 ~ "primed"
#                )))

3.2.2 Exercise 2

Delete all rows with missing values on the outcome variable in your original dataset (called table unless you changed it).

This is easily done with drop_na().

table <- drop_na(table,
                 outcome) # variable to determine missingness

3.2.3 Exercise 3

Visualise the distribution of outcome conditional on terrorism.

A conditional distribution plot, such as the one we made in week 2, works well here:

gg_priming <- ggplot(data = table, # tell R the dataset to work from
                     mapping = aes(x = outcome, # put hdi on the x axis
                                   group = terrorism, # group observations by former colony status
                                   colour = terrorism)) + # allow colour to vary by former colour status
  geom_density() + # create the 'density' geom (the curve, essentially a smoothed histogram)
  labs(x = "Muslim American Feeling Thermometer",
       y = "Density",
       title = "Conditional distribution of feelings towards Muslim Americans",
       subtitle = "Feelings conditional on priming misperceptions about terrorism") + # clearer labels
  theme_minimal() # change the colours

The distributions appear to be very similar, although the most positive feelings seem to be slightly more likely when terrorism misperceptions are not brought to mind.

3.2.4 Exercise 4

Estimate the difference in means, or average treatment effect, of terrorism on the outcome.

# separate two groups
treatment_group <- filter(table, terrorism == "primed")
control_group <- filter(table, terrorism == "no priming")

difference_in_means <-
  mean(treatment_group$outcome) -

[1] -1.851343

The difference in means is very small, but is in the direction the author expected: those in the control group – whose misperceptions about Muslim involvement in terror attacks were not primed – have a slightly larger mean.

3.2.5 Exercise 5

Estimate the standard error of the difference in means.

We use the formula again:

\[ \sqrt{ \frac{ s^2_{Yx=0} }{ n_{x=0} } + \frac{ s^2_{Yx=1} }{ n_{x=1} }} \]

And apply this in R:

# squared standard deviation in control group
s2ycontrol <- sd(control_group$outcome)^2

# n in control group
ncontrol <- nrow(control_group)

# squared standard deviation in treatment group
s2ytreatment <- sd(treatment_group$outcome)^2

# n in treatment group
ntreatment <- nrow(treatment_group)

# calculation
se_difference_in_means <-
  sqrt( # wrap it all in a square root
    (s2ycontrol/ncontrol) + # control group
      (s2ytreatment/ntreatment) # treatment group

[1] 0.9268306

The standard error of the difference in means is approximately 0.93.

3.2.6 Exercise 6

Calculate the 95 percent confidence interval of the difference in means.

# upper bound
difference_in_means + 1.96*se_difference_in_means
[1] -0.03475478
# lower bound 
difference_in_means - 1.96*se_difference_in_means
[1] -3.667931

The confidence interval does not overlap with zero, suggesting that we can reject the null hypothesis at the 95% confidence level.

3.2.7 Exercise 7

Calculate the 99 percent confidence interval of the difference in means. What conclusions can you draw from the result?

# upper bound
difference_in_means + 2.58*se_difference_in_means
[1] 0.5398802
# lower bound 
difference_in_means - 2.58*se_difference_in_means
[1] -4.242566

The confidence interval overlaps with zero, suggesting that we cannot reject the null hypothesis at the 99% confidence level.

3.2.8 Exercise 8

Confirm your results (within errors of rounding) using the t.test() function, first setting conf.level = 0.05 and then conf.level = 0.01.

t.test(outcome ~ terrorism,
       data = table,
       conf.level = 0.95)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  outcome by terrorism
t = 1.9975, df = 3577.2, p-value = 0.04585
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group no priming and group primed is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.03417332 3.66851238
sample estimates:
mean in group no priming     mean in group primed 
                63.03863                 61.18729 
t.test(outcome ~ terrorism,
       data = table,
       conf.level = 0.99)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  outcome by terrorism
t = 1.9975, df = 3577.2, p-value = 0.04585
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group no priming and group primed is not equal to 0
99 percent confidence interval:
 -0.5372892  4.2399749
sample estimates:
mean in group no priming     mean in group primed 
                63.03863                 61.18729