Chapter 8 Binary Dependent Variable Models

8.1 Seminar – in class exercises

8.1.1 Required Packages

Let’s start by loading the required packages:


8.1.2 Loading Data

We will be using data from the Afrobarometer (a public attitude survey on democracy and governance in more than 35 countries in Africa) to investigate whether a political candidate can utilize his wife’s ethnicity to garner coethnic support. This is linked to a broad research area which implies that voters in Africa prefer to vote for candidates of their own ethnic group, and that if a presidential candidate marries a non-coethnic wife, this may broaden their electoral appeal to other ethnic groups.

We will focus only African democracies where the president and wife are not of the same ethnicity are considered (i.e., the president and wife are not coethnic with one another). We will investigate whether voters are more likely to vote for the a president when the voter shares the same ethnicity as the president’s wife.

First, let’s load the data directly from GitHub:

afb <- read.csv("")

The table below gives an overview of the variables included in the data.

Variable Description
country A character variable indicating the country of the respondent
wifecoethnic 1 if respondent is same ethnicity as president’s wife, and 0 otherwise
oppcoethnic 1 if respondent is same ethnicity as main presidential opponent, and 0 otherwise
ethnicpercent Respondent’s ethnic group fraction in respondent country
distance Distance between respondent’s home and the home city of the president (measured in hundreds of miles)
vote 1 if respondent would vote for the president, 0 otherwise

Now take a look at the first few observations to see what the dataset looks like

  country wifecoethnic oppcoethnic ethnicpercent vote  distance
1   benin            1           1     0.4173623    1  5.449764
2   benin            1           1     0.4173623    0 18.510687
3   benin            1           1     0.4173623    0 26.370297
4   benin            1           1     0.4173623    0 21.012341
5   benin            1           1     0.4173623    0 22.238316
6   benin            1           1     0.4173623    1  1.822167

8.1.3 Linear regression with a Binary Dependent Variable

Before moving on to the new model, we can illustrate some of the shortcomings of the linear regression model when working with binary outcome variables.

Let’s run a linear regression (here, a linear probability model) where vote is our dependent variable, and distance is our independent variable. Try doing this yourself before revealing the solution code below.

linear_mod <- lm(vote ~ distance, data = afb)

             Model 1    
(Intercept)     1.33 ***
distance       -0.06 ***
R^2             0.70    
Adj. R^2        0.70    
Num. obs.    4552       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

The model shows that there is a strong and significant bivariate relationship between distance and vote choice for the president. Specifically, the model suggest that increasing the distance between the respondent and the president’s home city by 100 miles decreases the probability that the respondent will vote for the president by 6 percentage points on average.

As we discussed in lecture, however, the linear probability model can lead to some odd conclusions with regard to fitted values. Let’s plot the two variables above, and include the estimated regression line.

gg_linear <- ggplot(data = afb,
                    mapping = aes(x = distance,
                                  y = vote)) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.5, height = 0.2) + # jitter gives a better idea of density of points
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") + 
  labs(x = "Distance",
       y = "Pr(Vote for President)")

`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

Bear in mind that all of the observations are by definition at 0 or 1 on the y axis (people did or did not vote for the president). They are just allowed to spread out here in the way we write the plot function, using geom_jitter() in order to show how clustered the observations are in terms of the x axis variable, distance.

As we can see from the plot, because the functional form of the linear probability model is linear, the estimated relationship suggests that for respondents with a distance value greater than about 23 have a negative probability of voting for the president, and respondents with a distance value less than about 5 have a probability of voting for the president that is greater than 1. Adjusted Standard Errors in the Linear Probability Model

Now we create a plot of the residuals from the model on the Y-axis, and the distance variable on the X-axis. We extract the residuals and make them a new column in our original dataset.

afb$linear_resids <- residuals(linear_mod)

gg_resids <- ggplot(data = afb,
                    mapping = aes(x = distance,
                                  y = linear_resids)) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.5, height = 0.1) + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm") + 
  labs(x = "Distance",
       y = "Model residuals")

`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

We can see from this plot that the linear probability model is always heteroskedastic – the errors are not evenly distributed around zero for all values of distance.

Because of this problem, we now adjust the standard errors to be heteroskedasticity robust.

corrected_errors <- coeftest(linear_mod, vcov = vcovHC(linear_mod))

             Model 1      Model 2  
(Intercept)     1.33 ***   1.33 ***
               (0.01)     (0.01)   
distance       -0.06 ***  -0.06 ***
               (0.00)     (0.00)   
R^2             0.70               
Adj. R^2        0.70               
Num. obs.    4552                  
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

In this instance, the adjustment did not change our substantive conclusion. However, we still always need to adjust standard errors when we estimate the linear probability model. Classification

Our binary variable is either 0 or 1. With the linear probability model, we predict the underlying (and fundamentally unobserved) probability that the outcome is 0 or 1. In order to decide whether an outcome is 0 or 1, we follow a simple rule: Every outcome with a probability of greater or equal 0.5 is assigned a 1 and a 0 otherwise. First, we create a new variable called lm_yhats. Those are our model predictions or fitted values. They are predicted probabilities that the outcome is 1 - with the downside that we can get predictions outside the 0 to 1 interval.

# predicted probabilities
afb$lm_yhats <- linear_mod$fitted.values
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
-0.8084  0.1974  0.5875  0.5464  0.8928  1.3344 

Let’s turn our predictions into outcomes of either 0 or 1 using the ifelse() function. The first argument of the function is a logical condition that is true or false for every observation that is evaluated. The second argument specifies what to do if the condition is true and third argument specifies what to do if the condition is not met (false).

# expected values
afb$exp.vals <- ifelse( afb$lm_yhats >= 0.5, yes = 1, no = 0 )

   0    1 
2066 2486 

We can also use mutate() and case_when() here, which we used back in Chapter 3. The code below should give you the same result as the code above, except this time we saved the result to the column exp_vals rather than exp.vals.

# expected values
afb <- mutate(afb,
              exp_vals =
                  lm_yhats >= 0.5 ~ 1,
                  TRUE ~ 0

   0    1 
2066 2486 

We predict 2066 zeroes and 2486 ones. How good is this. We cannot use R^2 as a model fit statistic for models with binary dependent variables. It is impossible that all values are on the regression line. Let’s examine the outcome variable vote first.

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.0000  0.0000  1.0000  0.5464  1.0000  1.0000 

The mean is ~0.55. Therefore, 55 per cent of the respondents would vote for the president. It also means that a classification model must be better than predicting 55 per cent of the outcomes correctly. Otherwise, it is no better than the naive guess.

What is the naive guess? It is simply the modal category. In our case, it is 1 because 55 per cent of the respondents would vote for the president and 45 would not.

If our model does not predict more than 55 per cent of outcomes correctly, it makes no contribution. We must always pass this minimum test. Let’s compare actual outcomes to our expected values (the predictions from our model).

out.table <- table(prediction = afb$exp.vals, truth = afb$vote)
prediction    0    1
         0 1922  144
         1  143 2343

On the diagonal, we see the correct predictions and on the off-diagonal, we see the errors. If we sum up the diagonal and divide by the total, we get the per cent correctly classified. Recall, it must be larger than 55 per cent.

# per cent correctly classified
cc.lm <- sum(diag(out.table)) / sum(out.table)
[1] 0.9369508

The model does extremely well. We correctly classify 94 of all cases. A substantial improvement on the naive guess. Let’s move on and compare our linear model to the logistic regression approach.

8.1.4 Logistic Regression Model

We use the generalized linear model function glm() to estimate a logistic regression. The syntax is very similar to the lm regression function that we are already familiar with, but there is an additional argument that we need to specify (the family argument) in order to tell R that we would like to estimate a logistic regression model.

Argument Description
formula As before, the formula describes the relationship between the dependent and independent variables, for example dependent.variable ~ independent.variable
In our case, we will use the formula: vote ~ wifecoethnic + distance
data Again as before, this is simply the name of the dataset that contains the variable of interest. In our case, this is the dataset called afb.
family The family argument provides a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. For our purposes, we would like to estimate a binary logistic regression model and so we set family = binomial(link = "logit")

We tell glm() that we’ve binary dependent variable and we want to use the logistic link function using the family = binomial(link = "logit") argument:

logit_model_1 <- glm(vote ~ wifecoethnic + distance,
                     family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = afb)

                Model 1    
(Intercept)       11.66 ***
wifecoethnic      -1.36 ***
distance          -0.79 ***
AIC             1364.65    
BIC             1383.92    
Log Likelihood  -679.33    
Deviance        1358.65    
Num. obs.       4552       
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05

Interpreting the output of a logistic regression model is less straightforward than for the linear model, because the coefficients no longer describe the effect of a unit change in X on Y. Instead, the direct interpretation of the coefficient is: a one unit change in X is associated with a \(\hat{\beta}\) change in the log-odds of Y, holding constant other variables. Here, the coefficient on wifecoethnic is equal to -1.36, implying that the log-odds of voting for the president are 1.36 lower when the respondent has the same ethnicity as the president’s wife, holding constant distance.

The interpretation of the significance of the coefficients remains unchanged from the linear regression model. For example, the standard error for the coefficient on wifecoethnic is 0.17, and the test statistic is therefore -1.36/0.17 = -8. This is much greater than the critical value of any conventionally used \(\alpha\)-level and so we can be sure that this result is statistically significant. We will speak more about statistical inference for logit coefficients next week.

8.1.5 Odds-ratios

Differences in the log-odds, however, are difficult to interpret substantively. There are two main approaches to describing the substantive relationships that emerge from a logistic regression model. 1) odds-ratios, and 2) predicted probabilities.

Converting log-odds differences to odds-ratios is very straightforward. As the log function is the inverse of the exponential function, we can simply exponentiate the coefficient associated with wifecoethnic:

beta_wifecoethnic <- coef(logit_model_1)[["wifecoethnic"]]
[1] 0.2556929

And we can do the same for the coefficient associated with distance:

beta_distance <- coef(logit_model_1)[["distance"]]
[1] 0.4539435

We can then interpret the odds-ratios as follows:

  • When the respondent shares the same ethnicity as the president’s wife the odds of voting for the president are multiplied by 0.26, holding constant the distance between the respondent and the president’s home city (i.e. they decrease by 74%)
  • Increasing the distance between the respondent and the president’s home city by 100 miles, holding constant whether the respondent shares the same ethnicity as the president’s wife, multiplies the odds of voting for the president by 0.45, (i.e. the odds decrease by 55%)
  • In general, when X increases by one unit, the odds of the outcome \(Y = 1\) are multiplied by \(exp(\hat{\beta})\), holding other factors constant

8.1.6 Predicted probabilities

Thinking in terms of odds may not be much better than thinking in terms of log-odds, and so often the most useful discussion of the substantive effect sizes is in terms of predicted probabilities.

We can use the predict() function to calculate fitted values for the logistic regression model, just as we did for the linear model. Here, however, we need to take into account the fact that we model the log-odds that \(Y = 1\), rather than the probability that \(Y=1\). The predict() function will therefore, by default, give us predictions for Y on the log-odds scale. To get predictions on the probability scale, we need to add an additional argument to predict(): we set the type argument to type = "response".

For example, if we would like to calculate the predicted probability of voting for the president for a respondent who shares the same ethnicity as the president’s wife, and lives 1000 miles from the president’s home city, we could use:

pred_prob_1 <- predict(logit_model_1, newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 1, distance = 10), type = "response")

The tells us that the probability of a respondent with these covariate values voting for the president (\(Y=1\)) is 0.92, based on this model.

We can estimate the predicted probability for this scenario by doing the transformation ourselves.

# get fitted values using predict function - not transformed back to probabilities
pred_prob_1a <- predict(logit_model_1, newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 1, distance = 10))
# send the fitted values through the link function
exp(pred_prob_1a) / (1 + exp(pred_prob_1a))
# get fitted values by hand
pred_prob_1b <- coef(logit_model_1)[1] + coef(logit_model_1)[2] * 1 + coef(logit_model_1)[3] * 10
# below we use as.numeric() only because otherwise R labels the result intercept which it is not
pred_prob_1b <- as.numeric(pred_prob_1b)
[1] 2.402004
## send fitted values through the link function
exp(pred_prob_1b) / (1 + exp(pred_prob_1b))
[1] 0.91698

How does this predicted probability compare to the predicted probability of voting for the president for a respondent who is not coethnic with the president’s wife, and lives 1000 miles from the president’s home city? We can just use the predict() function again, but specify a different value for wifecoethnic to use for the prediction:

pred_prob_2 <- predict(logit_model_1, newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 0, distance = 10), type = "response")

Comparing the two predicted probabilities, the model tells us that for respondents who live 100 miles from the president’s home city, sharing the ethnicity of the president’s wife decreases the probability of voting for the president by about 6 points:

pred_prob_1 - pred_prob_2

Notice that this “finding” is the opposite of the prediction from the theory: respondents do not seem to be more likely to vote for the president if they share the same ethnicity as the president’s wife. Of course, here we are dealing with a very simple model with many possible confounding variables that we have not included in the model!

As discussed in lecture, the logistic model implies a non-linear relationship between the X variables and the outcome. To see this more clearly, we can calculate the probability of voting for the president over the entire range of the distance variable.

## Set the values for the explanatory variables
data_for_predicted_prob <- data.frame(distance = seq(from = 0, to = 34, by = .5),
                                      wifecoethnic = 1

Here, we have set the distance variable to vary between 0 and 34, with increments of .5 units and we have set wifecoethnic to be equal to 1. We have then put all of these values into a new data.frame called data_for_predicted_prob which we will pass to the predict() function.

# Calculate the fitted values
predicted_probs <- predict(logit_model_1, newdata = data_for_predicted_prob, type = "response")

## Save the fitted values as a new variable in the data_for_fitted_values object
data_for_predicted_prob$predicted_probs <- predicted_probs

Finally, we can plot these values:

gg_predict <- ggplot(data = data_for_predicted_prob,
                     mapping = aes(x = distance,
                                   y = predicted_probs)) +
  geom_line() + 
  labs(x = "Distance",
       y = "Pr(Vote for President)") +


The plot nicely illustrates the non-linear functional form of the logistic regression model. As desired, all of the predicted probabilities now vary between 0 and 1, as the line takes on a distinctive “S” shape. It is clear from this plot that X (distance) is non-linearly related to the probability that \(Y=1\) (\(P(Y = 1) = \pi\)): the same change in X results in difference changes in \(\pi\) depending on which values of X we consider. For example:

  • Increasing distance from 5 to 10 leads to a decrease in \(\pi\) of only a very small amount
  • Increasing distance from 10 to 15 leads to a decrease in \(\pi\) of a very large amount

This is why we are unable to interpret the \(\beta\) coefficients from the logistic model as constant increases or decreases in \(\pi\) given a change in X. For any given change in X, the amount that \(\pi\) will change will depend on the starting value of X that we are considering.

Finally, we can also see the non-linearity inherent in the logistic model by calculating the difference in predicted probability between respondents who share the ethnic group of the president’s wife and respondents who come from different ethnic groups than the president’s wife, at different values of the distance variable. Let’s calculate this difference for distance = 10 and distance = 12:

prob_coethnic_dist10 <- predict(logit_model_1, 
                                newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 1, distance = 10), 
                                type = "response")
prob_not_coethnic_dist10 <- predict(logit_model_1, 
                                    newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 0, distance = 10), 
                                    type = "response")
prob_coethnic_dist10 - prob_not_coethnic_dist10
prob_coethnic_dist12 <- predict(logit_model_1, 
                                newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 1, distance = 12), 
                                type = "response")
prob_not_coethnic_dist12 <- predict(logit_model_1, 
                                    newdata = data.frame(wifecoethnic = 0, distance = 12), 
                                    type = "response")
prob_coethnic_dist12 - prob_not_coethnic_dist12

The results indicating that, when comparing respondents with values of 10 on the district variable, coethnics of the president’s wife are 6 points less likely to vote for the president than non-coethnics. However, when comparing respondents with values of 12 on the distance variable, coethnics are 20 points less likely to vote for the president. Therefore, this illustrates that in a multiple logistic regression model the change in \(\pi\) in response to even exactly the same change in one X variable depends on the values at which the other X variables are fixed.

8.1.7 Homework exercises

We will be using some data from a post-referendum survey among people living in Switzerland. The survey was carried out right after the vote on an initiative whether to ban military assault rifles in private households or not. If you would like to get some more background you may consult the wikipedia article on the referendum, here.

You can load the data from GitHub by running the following code

swiss <- read.dta("")

We have access to the following variables:

Variable Description
VoteYes 1 if someone voted yes and is 0 if someone voted no.
participation 1 for people that voted and 0 otherwise.
male 1 for men and 0 for women.
age Age in years.
LeftRight Left-Right self placement where low values indicate that a respondent is more to the left.
GovTrust Trust in government. Little or no trust is -1, neither YES nor NO is 0, and +1 if somebody trusts the government.
ReligFreq How frequently does a respondent attend a religious service? Never (0), only on special occasions (1), several times a year (2), once a month (3), and once a week (4).
university Binary indicator (dummy) whether respondent has a university degree (1) or not (0).
party Indicates which party a respondent supports. Liberals (1), Christian Democrats (2), Social Democrats (3), Conservative Right (4), and Greens (5).
income Income measured in ten different brackets (higher values indicate higher income). You may assume that this variable is an interval type measure.
german Binary indicator (dummy) whether respondent’s mother tongue is German (1) or not (0)
suburb Binary indicator (dummy) whether respondent lives in a suburban neighborhood (1) or not (0)
urban Binary indicator (dummy) whether respondent lives in a city (1) or not (0)
cars Number of cars the respondent’s household owns.
old voter Variable indicating whether a respondent is older than 60 years (1) or not (0).
cantonnr Variable indicating in which of the 26 Swiss cantons a respondent lives.
nodenomination Share of citizens in a canton that do not have a denomination.
urbanization Share of citizens in a canton that live in urban areas.
  1. Estimate a model which includes age and LeftRight as predictors, and VoteYes as the dependent variable
  2. What is the effect of a one-unit increase in LeftRight on VoteYes? Discuss in terms of odds-ratios
  3. What is the effect of a one-unit increase in age on VoteYes? Discuss in terms of odds-ratios
  4. What is the effect on the probability of a “yes” vote of moving from a left-right self placement of 5 to a self placement of 6 for an individual who is 44 years old?
  5. Calculate and plot the predicted probability of voting yes across the range of the age variable for individuals who have a left-right self placement of 5.
  6. Looking at the other variables in the swiss data, which do you think might be important determinants of a “yes” vote in the referendum? Write a short paragraph justifying the importance of 3 of the predictors in theoretical terms. Include the additional explanatory variables you have selected in a new model that also includes age and LeftRight.
  7. Provide some predicted probabilities from the model that illustrate the substantive importance of the new variables that you have added